CT Breast Health Initiative, Inc.

About Us
The End of Breast Cancer Begins With Research. CT BHI has one goal, one desire, to help find a cure for breast cancer in our lifetime. We raise money for Breast Cancer Research and Education.
Our mission is to make a difference locally in the fight against breast cancer through support, education and research. To accomplish this mission, CT BHI plans on funding a diversified portfolio of clinical/translational research with emphasis on programs that have not yet qualified for federal grants targeting breast cancer cause and survival.
Through the support of our signature fundraiser, the CT RACE IN THE PARK, the Annual Howard Belkin Memorial Golf Tournament, other events, individual donations and corporate support, the CT BHI will contribute monies this year to programs that aim to fulfill our mission. This funding is limited and awarded through a competitive process. All grant applications are subjected to rigorous review by a GRANTS PANEL of medical professionals, breast cancer survivors, educators, public health and interested business professionals that is responsible for making recommendations to the CT BHI Board of Directors. The funding period is for 12 months to be awarded in October, breast cancer awareness month.